Gonçalo Palma


Adaptive Design in Flutter Web
Nov 28, 21
Adaptive Design in Flutter Web
How we can change the UI and UX of our app to fit our user's devices
Using WebAssembly in Flutter Web
Nov 7, 21
Using WebAssembly in Flutter Web
Optimizing your Flutter Web apps with WebAssembly and Rust
Flavors in Flutter Web
Nov 24, 20
Flavors in Flutter Web
When adding configurations to the index.html a problem arises — how can we create different flavors? We will explore how we can solve it!
Using JavaScript Code in Flutter Web
Sep 20, 20
Using JavaScript Code in Flutter Web
With Android and iOS we can use PlatformChannels to communicate with the native platform. But how can we do it in Flutter Web?
Adding a Splash Screen to Flutter Web
Jul 4, 20
Adding a Splash Screen to Flutter Web
How we can add a rudimentary Splash Screen to Flutter Web

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Hey! I'm Gonçalo Palma! 👋

I often share Deep Diving articles on Flutter 💙