Gonçalo Palma
February 14, 2019

Optimizing your time as a Flutter Developer with Live Templates

When we start developing our apps in a new language and new technology, we take pride in every keystroke we make. We are learning, we want to know how things work, so we write countless times the same thing over and over again. But after the 100th StatefulWidget, we start wondering if there is a better and faster way to create both the widget and its state.

And here is where Live Templates come to save our lives.

StatefulWidget Live Template

A Live Template is basically a template that we can use for various tasks, like for loops, creating Widgets, variable declarations and common class declarations. In fact, some of these are already in IntelliJ, like iter for iterating in a list of objects.

To test it out, inside a function we type in iter, click enter, and start typing in each variable. To navigate to the next variable, we click on the tab bar.

iter Live Template in action

By going go the Android Studio Preferences (cmd , on Mac and Control + Alt + S on Windows) and searching for Live Templates we can see a list of all the available templates for each language or technology.

To start with a simple example, we open the Dart live templates and search for iter.

iter Live Template preferences

As we can see, we have:

For now, we’ll focus on the code snippet for this example:

for (var $VAR$ in $ITERABLE$) {

In this code snippet, we have a for-each loop made in dart with 3 variables. Each variable is inside two $ symbols, with their name in upper-case and we can see that one of them is called END$, which is a variable to set the place for the cursor after the user finishes using the Live Template.

Creating a Live Template for StatefulWidgets

So how can we make a live template?

Taking as an example the StatefulWidget, (let’s forget that Flutter already has a Live Template for it with the keywords stful) I suggest that we start by creating by hand.

class LiveWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  State<LiveWidget> createState() {
    return _LiveWidgetState();

class _LiveWidgetState extends State<LiveWidget> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return null;

The name LiveWidget is present in both the class declaration and the in part of the _LiveWidgetState name, so we can easily state that LiveWidget is a variable. Since our variables will need to be inside two $, we can name it $CLASS_NAME$.

We then need to change all places where the class name appears:

class $CLASS_NAME$ extends StatefulWidget {
  State<$CLASS_NAME$> createState() {
    return _$CLASS_NAME$State();

class _$CLASS_NAME$State extends State<$CLASS_NAME$> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return null;

Let’s open again the Live Template preferences and add it there

Creating a new Live Template

In the newly created template, we will need to fill in each field:

“No applicable contexts yet” error

However we can see an error message in the bottom of the screen: “No applicable contexts yet”. If we click on define, we are prompted with a list of languages with the subcategories Statement, Top-level and Other.

Available contexts for Dart

Since we want to do a class declaration, we will want our Live Template to only be available at Top Level, and so we choose that option.

And that’s it! We can now click apply and start testing our live template!

We create a new file, we test out the template by typing in the abbreviation, we fill in the class name and…!

StatefulWidget undefined class error

We got undefined class errors.

To solve this, we must edit our Live Template to also import from flutter/material, in case we are using Material Widgets.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class $CLASS_NAME$ extends StatefulWidget {
  State<$CLASS_NAME$> createState() {
    return _$CLASS_NAME$State();

class _$CLASS_NAME$State extends State<$CLASS_NAME$> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return null;

And now, finally we get everything working in order!


The next step would be removing the null return from the buildmethod and putting in the $END$ variable as we saw with the iter example, so that we can start writing the widget code directly:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class $CLASS_NAME$ extends StatefulWidget {
  State<$CLASS_NAME$> createState() {
    return _$CLASS_NAME$State();

class _$CLASS_NAME$State extends State<$CLASS_NAME$> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return $END$;

Advanced usage: Creating a template for built_value classes

For a more complex example, let’s take a look into built_value classes.

In order to serialise and deserialise our classes with built_value, we need to create some boilerplate code:

import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';

part 'data_class.g.dart';

abstract class DataClass implements Built<DataClass, DataClassBuilder> {
  static Serializer<DataClass> get serializer => _$dataClassSerializer;
  factory DataClass([updates(DataClassBuilder b)]) = _$DataClass;

However, it is not straightforward creating this Live Template:

Is there a way to fix this?

If we look into our previous example, in the Live Template settings window, we have a button called Edit Variables with several options available

StatefulWidget Live Template variables

How can this help us?

First, we will need to declare a new variable for part called $FILE_NAME$. As the default value, we need to use the Expression fileNameWithoutExtension, and, since we don’t want this variable to be edited by the user, we check the Skip if needed checkbox.

Then, in your code, declare the $CLASS_NAME$ variable so that it automatically appears in the variables window. This will be used to create our last variable, $STATIC_CLASS_NAME$. This variable will use a default value that will combine the Expression camelCase and the variable CLASS_NAME: camelCase(CLASS_NAME). As with the first variable, the user won’t edit this variable, so we check the Skip if needed checkbox.

As a side note, since built_value uses a variable name with the character $, it must be declared as $$, so, for the STATIC_CLASS_NAME we declare _$$$STATIC_CLASS_NAME$Serializer.

We end up with the following live template:

import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';

part '$FILE_NAME$.g.dart';

abstract class $CLASS_NAME$ implements Built<$CLASS_NAME$, $CLASS_NAME$Builder> {
  static Serializer<$CLASS_NAME$> get serializer => _$$$STATIC_CLASS_NAME$Serializer;

  factory $CLASS_NAME$([updates($CLASS_NAME$Builder b)]) = _$$$CLASS_NAME$;

built_value Variables

And so, we can test it:

built_value Live Template in action

Recap and Future Possibilities

We finished our shallow dive into Live Templates! 🥳

But what other uses will we have for it?

Try to look at your codebase and see what boilerplate you need to write and write again. I’ll give you some more examples from my projects:

I’m curious, what are you going to use it for?

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Diving Into Flutter

In Diving into Flutter we will discover the Flutter Framework, bit by bit.

From the BuildContext, to pubspec files, going through exotic backend solutions, there won't be a stone left unturned.

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Hey! I'm Gonçalo Palma! 👋

I often share Deep Diving articles on Flutter 💙